The benefits of using hair homemade hair masks are many, but the most important one is that they can help you to have healthier and more beautiful hair. With so many different kinds of ingredients available in your kitchen or pantry, it’s easy to make a homemade mask for your hair. In this post we will explore 4 awesome DIY Hair Masks for Healthy and Beautiful Hair!
1. Avocado and Egg Hair Mask
½ ripe avocado, mashed egg
Mix the ingredients together in a bowl until you get a paste. Apply it to your hair. Wait about half an hour before washing off with water or shampoo as usual. This mask is especially beneficial for dry and damaged hair because it provides essential nutrients that will help restore them back to health! Also, this mask can be used on colored treated hair without causing any damage to the color since egg whites are very lightening agents which can actually fade out many different types of dyes if they’re left on too long! Plus they provide shine to dull lifeless locks. If using this treatment more than once per week is desired then use only one egg instead of two.
This mask can be left on for up to 30 minutes before washing off, depending on the condition of your hair. If you have oily hair then it is best not to leave this mask in longer than 15-20 minutes if possible. This will still provide the same benefits but won’t add excess oil and dirt buildup!
When using avocados, make sure that they are ripe because otherwise they wont work as well when mixed into a paste with egg whites or other ingredients such as mayonnaise which contain raw eggs (unless you like eating them raw). Leaving this mixture overnight also helps give great results since avocado works its magic while we sleep! It’s also advisable not to use red wine vinegar when making an avocado mask since it has a tendency to make brown hair even darker which is not desired.
This mask can also be used as an intensive overnight treatment for dry, damaged or over processed locks! Just apply the mixture generously and cover your head with plastic wrap before you go to sleep (don’t forget to remove it in the morning). Then shampoo like normal when ready.
This works especially good if done right before washing. Because avocado makes dirty blonde or light brown hair look bright and shiny again; making blondes appear more golden instead of straw-like. It’s simply fantastic at stopping breakage too since egg whites tighten up cuticles while avocados soften them all up! Egg yolks are high in protein so they help strengthen strands after use by creating a protective protein coating which is why this mask can be used as an overnight treatment.
This also works great for dry hair, but it’s best to remove the excess oil with a clarifying shampoo before using! This makes your locks stronger and silkier than ever (and smells much better too)! Using egg yolks instead of eggs will help prevent color from fading due to breakage; since avocados stop all that nonsense by moisturizing strands back into health again! The reason we use less avocado in this recipe compared to other masks is because oils such as olive or coconut work their own magic on top so they don’t need added moisture like the others do.
2. Apple Cider Vinegar Hair Rinse
– ½ cup apple cider vinegar (organic preferably)
Mix the ingredients together in a non metal bowl or bottle. Apply to wet hair and allow it soak for about 20 minutes before rinsing with water as usual. This rinse will add shine to dull locks while removing product buildup! It also helps balance out pH levels which is why it’s great at stopping frizz too! ACV also makes blondes appear more golden instead of straw-like, making this an excellent choice for those who have lighter colored strands that tend to become dry easily since they’re so delicate! The acidity in ACV can help restore your natural healthy sheen without leaving behind any weird residue like many store bought products do.
This rinse can also be used to remove chlorine that has built up over time in blonde or light brown hair, but it must be done every week since ACV only removes about 90% of the chemicals. Just leave this mixture on for at least 20 minutes before rinsing out with water as usual and you’ll see your locks appear brighter than ever!
Apple cider vinegar is also very inexpensive so giving this treatment a try won’t break the bank either! It’s cheap enough that anyone will feel comfortable trying it out. Even if they’ve never tried anything like it before which makes it all around fantastic for healthy hair care without having to shell out an arm and leg just to buy name brand products from salons. Since apple cider vinegar helps balance pH levels it’s great at stopping frizz too!
3. Jojoba Oil Hair Pack
– ½ cup jojoba oil (organic preferably)
Mix the ingredients together in a non metal bowl or bottle. Apply to wet hair and allow it soak for about 20 minutes before rinsing with water as usual. This mask will add shine, prevent frizz and stop breakage too! Jojoba oil works on top of your strands so its moisturizing properties aren’t harsh like other oils. They’re actually very similar to those found naturally within our skin which is why this treatment can be used every day without having to worry about harmful build up over time since jojoba oil won’t clog pores just like our natural sebum does. (the best part is that you’ll never have greasy roots again)
This makes blondes appear more instead of straw-like which makes this an excellent choice for those who have lighter colored strands that tend to become dry easily since they’re so delicate! The acidity in ACV can help restore your natural healthy sheen without leaving behind any weird residue like many store bought products do.
This mask is also great at stopping frizz and adding shine which makes it all around fantastic for healthy hair care. Even if you’ve never tried anything like it before. Because jojoba oil won’t clog pores just like our natural sebum does. (the best part is that you’ll never have greasy roots again)
4. Homemade Honey Hair Mask
– ½ cup honey and ¼ cup of olive oil (organic preferably)
Mix the ingredients together in a non metal bowl or bottle. Apply to wet hair and allow it soak for about 20 minutes before rinsing with water as usual. This treatment will add shine, prevent frizz and stop breakage too! Since honey has antibacterial properties it’s also great at treating dandruff which makes this mask perfect for those who experience flakes on their scalp often because of dryness. It can even be used daily without having to worry about harmful build up over time. Since it won’t clog pores just like our natural sebum does. (the best part that you’ll never have greasy roots again)
This treatment is also great at stopping frizz and adding shine which makes it all around fantastic for healthy hair care even if you’ve never tried anything like it before. Because honey won’t clog pores just like our natural sebum does. (the best part that you’ll never have greasy roots again)
Adding a little bit of lemon juice to your tea can help restore some oomph back into tired dull locks! Lemon juice has vitamin C properties so this mask will brighten up blonde or light brown hair without leaving behind any weird residue from artificial coloring products. It’s also where the acidity comes in, making blondes appear more golden instead of straw-like which makes this an excellent choice for those who have lighter colored strands that tend to become dry easily since they’re so delicate! The acidity in lemon juice can help restore your natural healthy sheen without leaving behind any weird residue like many store bought products do.
“Healthy hair is the crowning glory of women,” according to an old proverb. And while we can’t make our locks grow faster. There are many ways in which you can nourish and care for your mane with just a few simple ingredients from around the kitchen or bathroom. The following four recipes will serve as a great starting point for healthy hair that shines from root to tip! Let’s get started!