iron deficiency

How to Combat Iron Deficiency and Hair Loss

Hair loss is a common problem for many people, and it can be caused by various factors. Some of these causes are genetic, while others are environmental or behavioral. Iron deficiency is one of the most common causes for hair loss in women, but men aren’t immune to this either. An iron-rich diet will help combat hair loss due to iron deficiency, so here are some foods that you should eat if you want healthy locks!

iron deficiency

1. Spinach

Spinach is a great source of iron, and it’s tasty too! If you eat spinach regularly, your hair will grow as fast as grass in springtime. It also contains vitamin B12 which has been linked to preventing hair loss . In case you’re wondering how much spinach you need to eat for healthy hair – one cup is enough! You can throw some into salads or pasta dishes if that sounds more appealing than eating it cold from the fridge.


If there are no fresh greens available at home and all there is in your kitchen right now is canned veggies – don’t panic just yet! Canned spinach actually contains even higher amounts of vitamins than fresh ones because they’ve already been broken down by high pressure water jets.

You can always supplement your iron intake with supplements, but it’s best if you get most of the nutrients through food. You also need to make sure that you don’t suffer from any digestive issues like ulcers or acid reflux before taking pills because they could mess up your digestion even more! If this is not an issue for you – go ahead and take some supplements. However, keep in mind that supplementation should only be done under medical supervision.

Iron deficiency typically occurs due to heavy periods , pregnancy (especially during the first trimester), blood donation, vegetarian diet lacking both meat and dairy product. It has been linked to hair loss too! That said – eating these foods will help balance out the lack of minerals in your body so that your hair will grow fast and healthy again.

2. Avocado

Avocado is a superfood that’s jam-packed with healthy fats and nutrients! It contains vitamin E, folic acid (also known as Vitamin B-Ⅰ), potassium… All of these things help hair growth and prevent hair loss . Another great thing about avocado is the fact that it’ll make your hair stronger , which will reduce breakage. There are two ways in which you can consume this fruit: either by eating them raw or looking for products containing avocado oil on their ingredient list. If you’re not into guacamole (which actually tastes absolutely delicious) then look out for other foods like mayonnaise or chocolate bars made with real cocoa powder because they also contain avocado oil.


As long as you don’t have any allergies or sensitivities to avocado, you should add it into your diet because its benefits are numerous. Plus – avocados taste great in salads and sandwiches so they’re easy to incorporate into a healthy lifestyle!

In addition to the foods listed above , there are also some other amazing natural remedies available like castor oil, fenugreek seeds (they can be found at most Indian grocery stores). Eating iron-rich foods is the best way of preventing hair loss due to anemia but these supplements will make sure that your body gets what it needs too.

2.1 Juices

You can make your own juice at home with an inexpensive blender. And start taking advantage of all the incredible benefits that these superfoods have on offer! It’s easier than you might think but if making a delicious smoothie every morning sounds like too much work then head over to your nearest health store or supermarket where they sell pre-made bottles that are ready for consumption.

They’re still better than soda though, so don’t beat yourself up about drinking one before lunchtime! Drinking water is good for hair growth. But adding some lemon slices or cucumber to it will make you drink more. Because the flavors are stronger and therefore, better tasting. It’s a great way of getting in your daily allowance of water without having to force yourself to drink plain H2O at least that’s what I do.

The best part about this is that adding fruits & vegetables into your diet makes them tastier so you’ll eat less junk food. Plus, they’re full of important nutrients needed for healthy hair growth. Try out some different recipes until you find one that tastes good enough for everyday consumption. But keep in mind that if something doesn’t taste as good as soda. Then there’s no point forcing yourself to choke it down every day. Don’t forget about all the wonderful benefits that these nutritious foods have to offer! Your hair will be so much healthier and your wallet won’t feel the pinch either.

Also, if you want a quick fix because all of this seems like too much work then get yourself some natural supplements which contain everything your body needs for healthy hair. They’re easy to use and taste pretty good. But remember that they should only be consumed until iron levels in your blood go back down!

3. Vitamin-C Rich Fruits

One of the best ways to combat iron deficiency is by eating foods high in vitamin C. Fruits like oranges, grapefruits and lemons are all excellent sources of this vital nutrient. So make sure you add at least one citrus fruit into your diet every day.

Eating lots of fruits & vegetables will also ensure that your body gets enough vitamins A & K which help keep skin looking young . Plus – they’re full of antioxidants which fight cancer-causing free radicals , making them great for health! It’s easy to start juicing because most stores sell pre-packaged bottles or ingredients needed for delicious juices that can be made quickly with a blender. You don’t need any fancy equipment though. If you want to juice at home then a cheap blender will do the job.

Vitamin C Rich Food

Adding fruits & vegetables into your diet makes them tastier so you’ll eat less junk food. Plus – they’re full of important vitamins and nutrients needed for healthy hair growth! Try out some different recipes until you find one that tastes good enough for everyday consumption. But keep in mind that if something doesn’t taste as good as soda. Then there’s no point forcing yourself to choke it down every day. Don’t forget about all the wonderful benefits that these nutritious foods have to offer! Your hair will be so much healthier and your wallet won’t feel the pinch either.


Iron deficiency and hair loss are two common problems, but there is a solution. Our team examined the best way to combat iron deficiencies in your diet. & What you can do for hair growth when it’s lacking. We hope this information proves helpful in combating these conditions! If we missed any tips that would be useful, feel free to reach out with questions or comments below. You can also read our more articles related to hair care. Thank you for reading!

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