This blog post discusses 9 possible reasons why hot showers can cause hair loss. There are a variety of factors that contribute to this, including the heat and humidity in the bathroom. If you’re interested in learning more about how your shower routine could be causing you to lose your hair, keep reading!
2. The Water Temperature:
The first reason why hot showers can cause hair loss is because the water in your shower may be too hot. This means that you’re not only losing hair when you shampoo but also while you are rinsing it out! This type of damage to follicles isn’t permanent, however; if you switch back to lukewarm or cold, healthy hairs will grow back over time.
While the ideal temperature for a bath is between 100°F and 105°F, most people have their shower at much hotter temperatures than this. For example, according to one study which tested both men’s and women’s bathrooms on university campuses around the country found an average temperature of 104 degrees Fahrenheit with some reaching as high as 109 degrees Fahrenheit.
If you want to test the temperature of your shower, fill a plastic cup with water and set it on the floor inside your shower. After three minutes, check how hot the water is compared to what you feel comfortable with. If it’s hotter than this, try decreasing or turning off the heater for a few days until you get used to lukewarm showers again!
In addition to feeling uncomfortable because they’re too hot, long exposure to hot showers can cause dry skin which may lead people turn up their heaters more often in order moisturize themselves. This just makes things worse since extra moisture only encourages bacterial growth that contribute even further drying out skin cells leading them and peel-off prematurely exposing hair follicles to the heat and humidity inside a steamy bathroom.
This is particularly problematic for those with naturally dry skin because it can be difficult to keep them moisturized enough without over-bathing. If you find yourself constantly feeling like your skin needs moisture, try using less hot water or switching out soap bars for oils like coconut oil that help lock in moisture as opposed to striping away beneficial nutrients from your body’s natural protective barrier.
Not only does this damage hair but also strips crucial oils which makes our scalps more vulnerable than usual. All of these factors combined may lead us lose even more hair than we normally would! The effects aren’t usually permanent though; if you take measures such as keeping showers shorter and colder, switching to a shampoo and conditioner designed for damaged hair, using oils instead of soap bars, etc. you can prevent further loss!
It is also important that when you are in the shower or bathtub your head remains covered with either a waterproof cap which covers all areas of our scalp even if it doesn’t seem like they’re getting wet. This will help keep out water while still allowing sweat to escape through evaporation.
The recommended temperature for washing hair is between 100°F-110°F. But many showers reach temperatures much hotter than this making them dangerous places to wash one’s hair without proper protection. If possible, try not take long hot showers before going swimming since these could cause severe damage especially if chlorine enters the picture since this is a chemical which can worsen the effects of hot water on hair.
2. The Shampoo You Use:
The shampoo you use can also play a role in hair loss. As explained above, too hot of water is damaging to scalp health and strips away essential oils that protect follicles from external damage. But so are harsh chemicals contained within many shampoos! If the shampoo you’re using contains any ingredients with sulfates or parabens. Then it’s especially important that your wash your hair less frequently. Because these substances tend to strip away our natural barrier more than others.
3. The Conditioner You Use:
If you’re using a conditioner, make sure it’s specifically designed for damaged hair. Most regular conditioners contain moisturizers that seal in water. While most deep treatments are oil-based which makes them more suitable to counteract the effects of hot showers on our scalp health.
Both heating and air conditioning systems can cause significant dryness depending on the temperature settings so be mindful of this especially. If your home is kept at extremely high or low temperatures all year round. If possible, consider purchasing an air humidifier. Since these emit moisture into indoor environments without any risk associated with too much humidity like mold growth or runny noses.
4. The Shower Head You Use:
If the reason you’re taking such long hot showers is because of a broken shower head. Consider replacing it with one that emits water at lower temperatures. This will allow you to keep your current routine without having to worry about damaging hair or skin!
5. Your Hair Products:
If you’re using hair products that contain alcohol or acetone, then it’s important to remember they can strip away protective oils which in turn makes our scalps more susceptible to damage. If possible consider purchasing a product with ingredients like shea butter. Which are especially useful for damaged hair since these will help moisturize while also protecting the scalp from heat and humidity. This will make your current routine much less damaging even if you continue showering at high temperatures.
6. How long you shower?
As mentioned above, hot showers can damage hair so if possible try to keep yours under five minutes! This will help prevent unnecessary loss and also decrease the amount of time you have to spend styling your hair every day. Which is another factor that could contribute towards a faster rate of balding. If you absolutely cannot cut back on how long your shower lasts. Consider taking lukewarm baths more frequently since this reduces drying effects. While still allowing for essential oils from our scalp to be released into the air. If all else fails, simply use cold water as an alternative until it’s safe again or switch up between both types depending on what feels most comfortable at any given moment.
7. The Temperature of Your Home:
As mentioned above, the temperature of our homes has a significant impact. On how frequently we wash since heat increases moisture evaporation rates. If your home is kept at an especially high or low level throughout the year. Then it’s wise to consider taking showers less often until you’ve adapted to these new conditions. If this isn’t possible consider purchasing a humidifier for extremely dry environments. And ones that emit cool mist rather than warm mist so as not to exacerbate damage!
8. Your Age:
As we age, the natural oils produced by our glands decrease. Which can make it much harder to wash away excess dirt and oil. If you’re over 40 then you should be especially mindful about how often you shower since an excessively high number of hot showers combined with hair products that contain alcohol or parabens could strip away essential oils even faster. Consider taking lukewarm baths more frequently until your scalp has adapted to this new routine. Or switch up between both types depending on what feels most comfortable at any given moment.
9. Your Diet:
If you’re experiencing hair loss, it’s important to consider the foods you eat. Because some of these products can cause dandruff or even contribute towards hormone imbalance! For example too much soy is thought to interfere with our body’s estrogen levels which in turn makes men more susceptible to balding. If this sounds like your situation then try cutting back on certain types of food including dairy. Since many people are lactose intolerant without realizing it! This will make a significant difference over time and increase healthy hair growth while decreasing breakage at the same time!
There are a number of reasons why hot showers can cause hair loss. The most common culprit is the extreme temperature and water pressure on your scalp. Which may lead to inflammation or even follicle damage. Other causes include too much washing or using shampoo that’s formulated for greasy hair. Rather than dry scalps with different needs. It might be time to switch up your routine, so give yourself some relief. From the heat by taking cooler showers. For more hair care tips you can check out our other articles.